What is Podiatry?
Podiatry is a developing profession in Cyprus. Anyone can seek podiatric care, regardless of age and sex. Podiatry addresses lower extremity disorders professionals can identify and evaluate various foot problems. Podiatrists have both preventive and therapeutic role.
podiatry & foot care

Nail Pathologies
Some nail pathologies are nail infections/alterations, thickening of nails, ingrown toenails.

Podopaediatrics have to do with complications of children’s feet.

Sports Injuries
Some common sports injuries are sprains and tendonitises.
Podíatros Vs. Podologos
What is the difference between these two in Cyprus?
There is no difference between these two. The health practitioner named podiatros renamed into podologos after voting of the Act No. 75 (I) / 2013, mainly for purposes of clarification and to avoid confusion with the medical profession. Nevertheless, a podologos – podiatrist remains the same health professional with the same qualifications and action as before.
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