Before travelling

If you are experiencing any foot pain, make sure you visit your podiatrist prior to your departure. Foot pain is not normal and you should not ignore it.

Do some everyday walking using the shoes you intend to take with you to the trip at least two to three weeks before your trip.

Check travel details and activities so that you know exactly what kind of shoes you will need.

If you intend to travel on a plane and are at risk of thrombosis (blood clots), make sure you inform and consult your doctor before you travel.

On the plane

Make sure you exercise your feet and legs during the trip, so that blood flow is facilitated. Use circular movements to exercise your feet and legs. If your shoes are tight, take them off during travel.

If you are on a long trip, make sure you walk the plane’s corridor for a few minutes every hour, if possible. It is netter to avoid alcohol.

While packing

Be prepared for minor injuries. Add adhesive bandage, antiseptic spray, antibiotic cream and nail clippers to your toiletry bag.

If you injure your foot while on vacation, immediately seek professional help from a podiatrist. Seek for the local Podiatry Association of the country you are visiting or visit (International Federation of Podiatrists) to find information of the local Association and registered podiatrists.

Take comfortable, supportive shoes with you and pack appropriate socks, so that you can change them often. Avoid new, unworn shoes.

At your destination

Generally avoid barefoot walking. Shoes protect your feet from hot sand burns and infections (such as warts and fungal infections) that lurk in showers and around swimming pools. Don’t forget to apply sunscreen to the tops of your feet, too.

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